The world food supply has been greatly threatened by Colony Collapse Disorder, CCD, of honey bees. But Harvard University has a short-term solution: robot bees.
Nearly one-third of the world’s crops are dependent on bee pollination. Without honey bees there would be no fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cotton, coffee, chocolate, etc.
The main culprit of CCD, which began in 2006, seems to be the pesticide neonicotinoid produced by Monsanto and used in GMOs – genetically modified crops. A recent study by the Bulletin Of Insectology does show a link between this pesticide and CCD.
This is a serious problem. Bees do so much for us, it’s unreal. I’m not an expert, but I read, and I know we need to save them.
Man has the mind of God and therefore will use it to destroy or to build a healthy life.
monsanto is the biggest cause of cancer in the entire world
How about we get rid of the nenicotinoid insecticide produced by Monsanto, that would be a good start.
Can’t wait to see the expression of surprise on a predator of the honeybee that ends up eating one of these robo-bees instead of the real thing! 😀
Oh ick! Seriously?!
Kyle Leighton
More of how ovomit is destroying not only America- but now the world too!