Here´s a short video to enhance home security by creating a booby trap trip wire alarm, especially handy in situations where there is no power, on or off the grid.
This setup can be used with fire flares, blanks or pepper gas shells – great for helping protect the perimeter.
Booby trap are illegal in most states and many, if not most times, it backfires in the trapper.
Booby traps that kill or maim are illegal in most states Noost King, but nots signaling alarm !!!
It has the ability to be dangerous, but with blanks, pointed in a safe direction, it is a warning device … an alarm.
Rock Salt Claymore would be effective.
Get a pack of dogs – free DYI alarm system
All this is going to do, is get you brought up on terrorism charges for building improvised explosive devices.
There just letting u know so u have the knowledge if ur tryin to survive
Aaron DeRosia
Mouse trap trip wires are ez and cheap. You can even mount a bell to the arm.
the mouse trap from hell, best ever
I like bouncing bettys better