Hollywood Writer, Director Calls for Violence Against Conservatives

Paul Schrader is known to many as the scribe behind such classic movies as Taxi Driver and Raging Bull, wowing viewers with his tales of troubled men violently lashing out after being shut out by their betters. In one of the strangest cases of art imitating life, Schrader told followers on Facebook that he viewed the results of the election as a “call to violence” and urged them to take up arms against conservatives:

“This attack on liberty and tolerance will not be solved by appeasement. Obama tried that for eight years. We should finance those who support violence resistance. We should be willing to take arms. Like Old John Brown, I am willing to battle with my children. Alt right nut jobs swagger violence. It’s time to actualize that violence, Like by Civil War Michigan predecessors I choose to stand with the black, the brown and the oppressed.”

Source: Facebook

UPDATE: Schradar has apparently deleted his post, but you can find an archived version here.



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