There is an odd phenomenon happening throughout the country involving holistic doctors. It has gotten so bad one is hard-pressed to imagine any holistic doctor feeling comfortable starting a family these days.
Literally every year an entire holistic family is getting murdered. Not to mention the other 77 holistic practitioners found dead since June of 2015.
Last year Truth and Action reported:
Dr. Weidong Henry Han, his wife, Huijie Yu, and their daughter, Emily Han, were found dead in March of 2016 from gunshot wounds. This death, unfortunately, is only one of many that have plagued holistic doctors for the past few years.
Now another ENTIRE family of a holistic practitioner has been murdered. Many details match up with the previous family murder. Skeptics say this is just a coincidence, however.
Murdered holistic doctor Annie Fairbanks, 39, sure seemed to have a lot of things going for her. But maybe, just maybe, there was more going on behind the scenes at home than she let on to most folks.
Head on over to the next page to learn the full story involving this murder investigation:
Eric L Runion..have you not been paying attention. There is bo there there that included Trump. On the contrary..they are finding more and more illegal$#%&!@*on the part of Obama and Hillary. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
Obama didnt do$#%&!@*for us but divide and create violence..regulated us out if jobs and spent our money like it was water. Doubled the debt if all the past presidents combined. Gave our tax dollars to our enemies..7 million to build mosques..400 billion for one to our enemies. Get it straight. OBAMA IS NOT EVEN AMERICAN. Wasnt born on American soil. Never should habe been president in the first place. Biggest nastiest jike ever perpetrated on Americans.
Eric L Runion this whole story is lies lol
In your delusional bubble they keep you in 24-7 for the last 10 years or more
Manafort is one of four total former Trump associates to face charges connected to the Russia scandal, a fate that Kushner has — so far at least — successfully avoided.
The most recent Trump associate to fall to Mueller’s investigation is former presidential national security adviser Michael Flynn, who — no doubt much to the chagrin of those in the president’s inner circle — revealed that he had decided to plead guilty to one charge and cooperate with Mueller going forward.
There have been disputed reports of the bank being served with subpoenas for records related to Trump family transactions as a part of the Russia probe. Trump, of course, maintains that there is nothing to the Russia scandal, even though four of his former associates have now faced charges.
This is terrible. Yes, something is very wrong.
Did they know Hillary by any chance?
They’re putting the hurt on big pharma. I’ll never go to western medicine again if I don’t have to. All they seem to do is prescribe medication to cover up symptoms and more medicine to cover up more symptoms.