According to conservative columnist, Dave Hodges, in a takeover that’s being labeled Agenda 21, the Koch brothers, Pat Stryker, Governor Hickenlooper and many Colorado mayors are looking to enslave American citizens under the dictates of the Untied Nations in a beta test that would include Colorado, 15 counties in Northern California and Southern Oregon.
Their plan is to take control of precious resources such as water and farmland. With all of the political turmoil taking place in Colorado over the past year, it’s hard to label any of it as a coincidence, because as is often the case in politics, there are rarely such things as coincidence.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
The U.N. is a foreign entity and will be considered an enemy on our soil. Americans need to prepare for the storm that is coming to destroy our country.
Donald Trump for President 2016
America is under God’s judgment. These things are similar to labor pains that a woman experiences during delivery and they are only going to increase in intensity as the church age draws to a close. Jesus Christ promised that He would come again for all who have repented of their sins and believed the gospel message. The hour is late and time is short before Christians are going to be called up into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air forever be with him. This world is passing away along with its corrupt perversions. But he who does God’s will. Jesus said that the will of God was to believe on him whom he has sent. To believe on means to trust in Jesus Christ for the Forgiveness of your sins . When he died on that cross two thousand years ago God took every sin that you and I would ever commit I and placed it on his Son. Jesus Christ was God in human flesh reconciling the world to himself. When Jesus died on the cross, I accept by faith that I died with him and that’s when he arose from the dead 3 days later comma it became possible for me and all who would believe on the name of the son of God to go to heaven immediately when we die or Jesus returns for his church. Not a building , but the body of true believers. Down through the centuries Christians have been spreading the good news of Jesus Christ around the world. But then as now there are people who will refuse to receive the love of the truth that they might be saved. Anything and everything that this world glorifies is worthless as far as eternity is concerned. A simple message that God loves you and once you to miss out on hell. He has a plan for your life and since he wrote the book it only makes sense to trust him. So why not do that today? Go to to find out more. God has given you his word which is the Holy Bible so that you can learn about him and know him. There are millions in hell right now who wish they had been given a second chance while they were alive on Earth to hear the gospel. For those who lived before Jesus’s time we understand that salvation was based upon belief or unbelief in the words of God. Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. Christians aren’t righteous but they are declared righteous by God and his son for having believed the message and for having trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Israel became a nation after 1900 years on May 14th 1948. We do not know the day or the hour that Jesus will return as some have tried to predict. But we can know the season of his return and that is what Matthew 24 describes. Born-again believers are told that when we begin to see these things come to pass that we should look up and lift up our heads because our Redemption draws near. Jesus is coming again soon! You might miss tomorrow because it isn’t promised to any of us. This may be the very last time some of you will have to get your heart and life right with God. Like I said before America is under God’s judgment and is it any wonder? Choose life instead of death. Do it now before it is forever too late!
Roflmao…this came to you in dream, right…..
Let us assume for one minute that this is true. Heres what will happen. They will fight against us, many of us will die, they however will loose !
Let’s lock and load.It has to stop somewhere
Pay attention people!!!
Get UN out of the USA and the USA out of the UN.
Not looking good at all.