According to conservative columnist, Dave Hodges, in a takeover that’s being labeled Agenda 21, the Koch brothers, Pat Stryker, Governor Hickenlooper and many Colorado mayors are looking to enslave American citizens under the dictates of the Untied Nations in a beta test that would include Colorado, 15 counties in Northern California and Southern Oregon.
Their plan is to take control of precious resources such as water and farmland. With all of the political turmoil taking place in Colorado over the past year, it’s hard to label any of it as a coincidence, because as is often the case in politics, there are rarely such things as coincidence.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
f**e respondants too
Military Generals, are you going to actually just sit by and watch Obama destroy America when you could just step in, arrest Obama for treason and STOP this ?
Obama is giving our country up to the UN
Brian Clark, look up George Soros, Agenda 21. Bush Senior, Clinton and Obama signed Executive Orders bypassing Congress in grabbing land masses, through various funding programs. The UN already has more control and they have their own Constitution. Remember when Obama went over Congress’ head and straight to the UN for approval for the Iran Deal and using the, “but it’s not a treaty”, excuse. This is part of the NWO that was through the NAFTA Bill, implemented by Bush Senior and signed by Bill Clinton and Obama.
There is NONE so blind as those who WILL NOT see
Frank Balcer, they already are here, both parties of the government of the USA have been giving place to them for decades
Is it time for an article 5 of the constitution, Convention of States to, stop the government take over of our so called “FREE COUNTRY” ?