According to conservative columnist, Dave Hodges, in a takeover that’s being labeled Agenda 21, the Koch brothers, Pat Stryker, Governor Hickenlooper and many Colorado mayors are looking to enslave American citizens under the dictates of the Untied Nations in a beta test that would include Colorado, 15 counties in Northern California and Southern Oregon.
Their plan is to take control of precious resources such as water and farmland. With all of the political turmoil taking place in Colorado over the past year, it’s hard to label any of it as a coincidence, because as is often the case in politics, there are rarely such things as coincidence.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
The only thing that is bad about the oil sands is there tailing ponds.. if they were to be flooded it would cause lots of polution and possibly poisoning the rivers.
Kristoffer Barnes people like you make me sad…because you are absolutely deaf and blind to humor and sarcasm.
I don’t believe football players are heroes…that job belongs to soldiers, teachers, officers and many more. I DO believe that ridiculous conspiracy theories are a problem that divides our great nation however, and I believe that people who are ignorant enough to believe them are a problem in this country. Stop being a propaganda puppet.
“The UN is RED DAWN”
Remember those evil koch brothers that democrats hate so much! We’ll behind the scenes they are best buds with the democrats that pretend to hate them so much. Divide and conquer tactics!
Everyone laughed at people telling this was coming CONSPIRACY THEORIST is what they called us
Social security should be left alone by government so that it could continue to draw interest to cover fore all who have put into to it. It was never meant as a slush fund for government to borrow from and never pay it back.
Chris Blanchard
This agenda 21 is not knew it is just thriving under Obama, Americans better wake-UP!