According to conservative columnist, Dave Hodges, in a takeover that’s being labeled Agenda 21, the Koch brothers, Pat Stryker, Governor Hickenlooper and many Colorado mayors are looking to enslave American citizens under the dictates of the Untied Nations in a beta test that would include Colorado, 15 counties in Northern California and Southern Oregon.
Their plan is to take control of precious resources such as water and farmland. With all of the political turmoil taking place in Colorado over the past year, it’s hard to label any of it as a coincidence, because as is often the case in politics, there are rarely such things as coincidence.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
keep the UN the hell out of our American afairs.
Why..because people of Colorado will be too high to defend themselves?
come and find me lol
Wake up America the democrats and Obama will continue to give up our lands and freedoms to the UN and eventually one world government. We must stop them!
Read up on this people.
I’m sorry I know I’m off topic but Please read and share.. I’m a grandmother that’s angry and heart broken at what child protective services and the foster home did to my grandson Malakai Deese the main stream media will NOT pick up my published story.
Child Protective Services are very corrupted the foster parents have abused my grandson and yet they get a one way ticket free to abuse, if a parent had done this the child would have been taken out of the home but my grandson has been abused. Child protective services uses title IV funding to kidnap children from INNOCENT FAMILIES , CPS is a adoption mill. Truly abused children left in the home and those are the children that you see on TV that are terribly abused and or murdered because they are considered damaged goods and not adoptable CPS leave those children in the home and DOSE NOT CARE. The media needs to STOP hiding the TRUTH about what’s truly going on in America.
Do any of you thick racists scumbags even know what agenda 21 really is haha
maybe now that everyone is high ,they dont give a $hit???
Where is the documentation for these statements. If true showus the proof.
Well you better get to sending it’s happening.