Steve Quayle once said as a guest on Dave Hodges The Common Show, that “we are no longer talking about what is coming, what is coming is already here.” This means that talk of an “Orwellian” type of future isn’t just rumor anymore, but based on the situation Americans find themselves facing today. For many years now, the government has been passing all sorts laws favoring a New World Order.
Does this mean the elite are closing in on the final steps of their plan to overthrow America?
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COUNTING ON YOU WISCONSIN…..WE WANT TRUMP….Trump for President….Make America Great Again.
And commit almost 50% of the murders.
Obozo and his Libtard Party created this division….
And Martians ars attacking in Grover’s Mill…
if i read people right, they will not be rioting and burning their homes, but going after those in power..Those with the ability to do so will.. I dont want it to happen.. I pray it doesnt.. Not sure what our military will do.. I hope they would stand with the American people.. not good
I think Trump is our only hope to not have an all out civil war.
obama is the one trying to start a civil war so he can continue being treated like royalty
Its we the peoples fault not any one person in the government
Civil war I don’t think. But a war against all those sorry bastards that’s in office that let all the things happen all the money that’s been stold from vets. SS .just to mention a few yea do what ever everyone of them that. WILL LEAVE OFFICE all their retirement every thing they will get should be held till all that is paid back. And that means. Obuma too
They have it backwards –