Steve Quayle once said as a guest on Dave Hodges The Common Show, that “we are no longer talking about what is coming, what is coming is already here.” This means that talk of an “Orwellian” type of future isn’t just rumor anymore, but based on the situation Americans find themselves facing today. For many years now, the government has been passing all sorts laws favoring a New World Order.
Does this mean the elite are closing in on the final steps of their plan to overthrow America?
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Civil war will not happen here
We ve all seen syria s drone fly overs
As are we.
If the corrupt GOP does not do the will of the people — there will be war … and we know – who and where it starts …
Partys are history. The people are taking back america. Trumps the next president one way or another. Partys are no longer going to dictate and fix elections.
Obama has done nothing but bait true Americans,
Bring it
Obama looks like a boy scout compared to this ugly, fat, creep!!! Even us REPUBLICANS think so!!!!
Trump gets in he will take all the money that the politions have been stealing from the tax payer and give it back to tax payers and not give our money to people that hate us this means. Lock and Load. Semper Fi. Trump only.
We had a movie star who ran for President! People said he would never make a good President! He’s just a movie Star! Ronald Reagan was his name! And he loved America! We have a business man and he ‘s done very good in his business. No he’s not a career Politician? But he does love America just as the Reagan did. We gave Reagan a chance and we had a good America! And if you give Donald J. Trump a chance he’ll make us good again! Obama’s, Clinton’s has been running our Country and look where we are!? We have a black, Muslim, Racist that’s not from our country running America into the ground! No one in congress is doing anything about it! Obama want the Clinton, Bernie or even Cruz to come in and take over after he leave’s! So thing will get worse then they are right now! They will get worse! So we took a chance with Reagan why not take a chance with Trump and make America great again! Unless you like how it’s being run today? And remember they will bring in 65,000 Illegal’s a year and we will pay for them! The Muslim want our Country too! I want a change! I’m going to take the chance and vote for Donald Trump For President! He just might be our next Ronald Reagan that we loved so much.