Steve Quayle once said as a guest on Dave Hodges The Common Show, that “we are no longer talking about what is coming, what is coming is already here.” This means that talk of an “Orwellian” type of future isn’t just rumor anymore, but based on the situation Americans find themselves facing today. For many years now, the government has been passing all sorts laws favoring a New World Order.
Does this mean the elite are closing in on the final steps of their plan to overthrow America?
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It will be gov. army looking behind every tree for state Militia members. Because of satellites, drones and people, every movement is watched. every form of communication is copied.
There will be war if you keep Trump from winning. We’re making a pledge to get Trump elected. If you interfere you’ll suffer the consequences. Re elections will cease for all of you.
They have guns sure, we have more, they also have families, and if they go to shooting up ours, guess what will happen.
what establishment……….obamas
BS flag is thrown on this one.
Maybe thats exactly what needs to happen to shut these lying liberals up for good.
This kinda$#%&!@*has to happen every couple hundred years or so lol
Revolution and it is past due!
#Donald Trump for President! S.E. Michigander YES I Campaign/Volunteering for TRUMP, President of the United States of America 2016!!
Vote for Trump !!!