Steve Quayle once said as a guest on Dave Hodges The Common Show, that “we are no longer talking about what is coming, what is coming is already here.” This means that talk of an “Orwellian” type of future isn’t just rumor anymore, but based on the situation Americans find themselves facing today. For many years now, the government has been passing all sorts laws favoring a New World Order.
Does this mean the elite are closing in on the final steps of their plan to overthrow America?
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We are willin to fight and die just so we dont get raped by muslims and have our$#%&!@*stole by thugs Our cops slaughtered by savages and our vets disrespected by people who lives with the freedoms THEY fought and died for
Obama really wasn’t that bad…. Like literally the country was sustained
Obama is not a leader. This is why we are here now. Trump for President
Hodges lol. Civil war. 19 trillion reasons why we got screwed since 1990 has noting to do with it ?
These posts only spead problems and make you believe Donald Trump has anything to do with the b s that been going on . He doesn’t. Trump for President
When the silent MAJORITY wakes the ESTABLISMENT quakes…
You don’t let murderers of Christians and rapist pedophiles into Germany, Paris, France, the UK and not expect problems when we don’t want it in our country because much of it is Christian. This idnt about a gay wedding cake here. This post is a coward s post. Trump is only the timing, not the problem. We do not want to lose financial sovereignty or have are daughters raped because of bribery and corruption. Is that too much to ask? No.
Parker Jeans: It’s not over yet! Wide open borders. In flowing refugees that have not been properly screened.
From what I can see. The big O (as in zerO for Obama ) want to have a terrorist attack on American soil bigger than 9/11. So he can declare martial law. Thinking that would stop the elections and he would become some kind of Imperial leader.
Only time will tell. I for one am and will be prepared. If you truly trust the government to help you. Good luck my friend your going to need it.
Parker. Obama is as bad as they come. And yes, that is me lumping him in with$#%&!@* Stalin, Idi Amin, Ghengis Kahn, Attila the Hun etc.
Clinton planted the seed. Bush watered the seed. Obama has watered, fertilized and groomed this environment. So it’s time we get someone in here to turn it under and destroy this poison.