Steve Quayle once said as a guest on Dave Hodges The Common Show, that “we are no longer talking about what is coming, what is coming is already here.” This means that talk of an “Orwellian” type of future isn’t just rumor anymore, but based on the situation Americans find themselves facing today. For many years now, the government has been passing all sorts laws favoring a New World Order.
Does this mean the elite are closing in on the final steps of their plan to overthrow America?
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ABSOLUTELY If the American people do not take this country back now we will be living in the middle east. If it takes a civil war then that’s what it takes.I personally do not like a corrupt government that allows criminals to run rampant.A country where pedophilia,rape murder.beastiality is a way of life.Where the media is controlled by the government,along with the police and military. The Christian religion will cease to exist.This is the road we are on right now.People so politically correct they have all become sheep le afraid of everything. I grew up when America was great and that is what I want for my children and grandchildren. So if it takes a civil war so be it.
(akkorra fejlôdik kiaz agy)
Absolutely. Now they wonder why their little puppets have the audacity to be angry. I know, and see how horrible Obama has, and is to America. I cannot understand why Congress has given him a pass on every corner. I’m beginning to think they all have so much serious dirt on each other…they have to turn a blind eye. Me personally…I think we need term limits.
Obama CAN AND WILL “Try” to implement Martial law. I don’t see Obama leaving office if a Republican wins the election!
I don’t see how they could call it a civil war because we won’t be fighting amongst ourselves. It will be the North and South fighting against the lying stealing corrupt communist government. Obama started this war with his widows and orphans refugees and his race-baiting segregation. Divide and conquer the oldest military strategy on the books.
Odumbo and the libtard and establishment GOP are the ones creating the next civil war.
I think that civil war, is what this country needs. We need to get control back into the hands of the people. Obama gave us a reason and Trump will lead the way.
The Corrupt government wants things just as they are. They are terrified of Trump.He wants to take our country back and so should we.He is already exposing the overwhelming degree of corruption from the white house down
How and why? Obama has waited for an uprising by making sure he has control with Marshall Law that was approved by Congress way before Trump ran for President. What kind of civil war I do not know.
Then bring on the war. Better than what we have now anyway. At least we will know who to shoot