Steve Quayle once said as a guest on Dave Hodges The Common Show, that “we are no longer talking about what is coming, what is coming is already here.” This means that talk of an “Orwellian” type of future isn’t just rumor anymore, but based on the situation Americans find themselves facing today. For many years now, the government has been passing all sorts laws favoring a New World Order.
Does this mean the elite are closing in on the final steps of their plan to overthrow America?
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Lennie Tudor is right, and when obamas welfare minions start losing all their freebies and burning down cities and killing more people, well that might start a civil war. And that would make that pos Obama very proud.
1 change the yes we can for last 7 years 2 rid of the congress waste do nothing getting paid 3 cut congess salaries in by 50% 4 trump will learn ajust himself to the new role as president and ACT like president 5 start enforcing the law in america 6 cut all federal abuse getting govermental help like WELFARE must do communitie service for the money and ON and ON
It’s time the tree of liberty is shaken again..
When the gov’t does not listen to what most of the citizens want and refuses to act on our behalf and we have no other way to change things except through congress who is doing NOTING then maybe it is time………our forefathers fought the King for their right to govern as they saw fit so………..
That is what Obama wants
There is no pathway to peace so let it be what it is then maybe everyone will finally shut up and go back to doing the task they were created for.
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We have lost Constitutional rights since 1865 but more so since Jimmy Carter gave Social Security to illegal immigrants and let in those Cuban boat people, and now we have endured the most lawless president in history for eight years on top of the Bush years when everything that was done due to 9/11 destroyed personal liberty and privacy. That is the catalyst for war, not Trump, the establishment on both parties fear the people and anyone who might tell us the truth.