Steve Quayle once said as a guest on Dave Hodges The Common Show, that “we are no longer talking about what is coming, what is coming is already here.” This means that talk of an “Orwellian” type of future isn’t just rumor anymore, but based on the situation Americans find themselves facing today. For many years now, the government has been passing all sorts laws favoring a New World Order.
Does this mean the elite are closing in on the final steps of their plan to overthrow America?
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Yep, they are called progressive communist socialist liberal sheep.
It’s going to get way worse if he is cheated out of the presidency !!!
If there is a civil war (by the way is just what obama had planned all a long) the followers of obama, hilary, and sanders will lose. Because those will follow the 3 stooges is all about, me, me,me and want everything handed to them. Those of us who want TRUMP are for America and Americans. America and the American people come first before any outsiders.
Bring it on
A civil war, it’s already started, it’s time to clean the political rat nest out. Vote Trump
Trump is a Democrat RINO.
and it won’t be a civil war there isn’t enough of them to actually go to war. the radical left is actually very small. most of the left is passive and get others to do their dirty work for them. and even a lot of the left is waking up to the corruption in government. so again it won’t be a war. it’ll be terrorism by the radical left and their government masters.
At 14.7% of the population, It shouldn’t take long….
Praying for God’s Abundant Grace on Trump and America! Amen!
Obama has been preparing longer. Hence the coffins in the FEMA camps.