Once more the forces of darkness ride forth under an unassuming name. The operation formerly known as Jade Helm (OFKAJH) has been renamed to the much more unassuming and less emotionally charged “Unconventional Warfare Exercise.” (UWEX)
According to Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show, UWEX has as its scenario “fighting a civil war against renegade US troops” presumably those who rightly refuse to engage in the round up and probable extermination of their fellow Americans. As described, the plan has three phases.
Phase one is the round up of dissident leaders. No one can be sure if they’re classified as a “dissident leader” based on the National Security Agency’s (NSA) threat assessment matrix. The matrix is based on how well the NSA can track you, and how likely you are to be capable of organizing resistance.
Targets in this first phase will be rounded up in the dead of night, dragged from their homes by heavily armed agents and rushed off to undisclosed locations for rendition and “final processing.” In every totalitarian state, the secret police always come in the dead of night.
Continue on to see phases two and three of this wicked plan.
Start with illegals
Well, so much for following this page. Retard level stupid.
Do not get chipped, it is a tracking device. I believe Obama is going to be pushing this in a few months. Lock and load people Obama is your worst nightmare
Personally I can’t say what’s gonna transpire ,but I do know something is gonna happen ! For all you people who laugh and make fun of those who believe ,it won’t kill you to keep an open mind and take some precautions and keep track to what’s happening . if nothing happens you have lost nothing but if something does unfold you could lose everything including your life.alot of Jewish people couldn’t phathom the idea what was happening to them until it was to late .myself I could care less what anybody thinks but ,I do know something is coming .
Nazi Germany
Jade Helm identifies as Undo emotional Warfare Exercise. And, who are you to say it can’t. “A rose by any other name . . .”
FEMA camps are BS…there are none..and won’t be…Jade Helm? Nothing…loosen the tin hats.
The famous FEMA camp photo was actually a refugee camp in Jordan…casket picture is a storage facility for casket liners which are used in every state for all burials (except orthodox Jewish) ..this stuff is nonsense.
And what happened? Nothing