Trump has, on all accounts, managed to appeal to the masses with his feelings regarding immigration and an “America first” attitude.
What does this all mean to those of us whom do not reside in the upper class?
Do not be fooled but what the candidates are trying to sell you this election season. The ultimate goal of the government has always been to suppress the population into submission to major corporations and the 1% by creating a feeling of dependence upon them. If the middle and lower classes decide on a democratic candidate, the people should be prepared for government backlash.
Major corporations have always been in bed with the government and as a result, hold far too much power and sway over government decisions. Many of the candidates presented this election season have substantial corporate backing.
What would happen if Trump managed to take the power back from these companies and disperse it back into the American population? The fear of martial law being evoked against the citizens of our country are plaguing the minds of people like Dave Hodges.
Continue reading on the next page.
I’ve seen on this post people asking what this plan B is, well let’s just say Trump becomes the President to be come November. Well to keep him from getting office and so these world corporate elite can keep the status that they have which is basically control of the masses. They will have out tyrant in chief declare marshal law into effect. So he ends up staying in office because of a state of emergency and they will systematically put is all in fema camps to eventually kill us off till there is on the top 1-5 percent of the wealthy left on the planet and those of us that are poor or considered middle class, well those of that survive the carnage will be their salves. We will go from a population of 7billion world wide to adopt 500 million in a matter of a few years if they get their way.
He’s important for the upcoming Supreme Court appointments if we are to regain the promise of our constitution.
I think he the Donald who hangs out with the Clinton’s suck their dicks.
He’s just a distraction! They’re going to put a hit out on The Donald and Obumer is going to stay in office? With the queen of America that’s drag queen
Watch and see?
meanwhile…back home here….me and mine….all twelve us…support TRUMP.
You are still oversimplifying Donald J. Trump’s message for the benefit of the liberal idiots, I assume?
As far as I know, those that oppose conservatives are not cyborgs with death rays for eyes. The Trump phenomenon is growing daily as people wake up sick and tired of the shackles we’ve been subjugated to wear for 7 years. If my high school history classes serve, we have the foundation of a justified Revolution coming! Donald Trump is our George Washington. Fight this tyranny that has its boot on our throats; support Donald J Trump for president, please!
Barbara Labry is right on the money!
Killary an Berntard wish to take away our rights, we will not comply
It’s to late, he’s got the delegates !
Out with Obama! Make America great again.