Dave Hodges, of The Common Sense Show, has collected a series of facts and evidence that, he says, points toward a total government takeover of private assets.
He points to a series of “beta tests” in which the government has reclaimed Americans’ money without resistance. He claims the financial bailout was one of such tests, and since Americans seemed to accept the government “reinvestment,” they’re ready to take the rest of our money by similar means. They’ve even set up a worldwide chain of events that will make the government takeover look necessary for the survival of the global economy.
If this is true, the government’s plan has already been set in motion. To see Hodges’ series of events that will lead to this takeover, continue reading on the next page:
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Obama their main man. Obama, try to walk were I have. You can not win.
if we dont act we are screwed
Criminals called the KHAZARIAN Mafia.. Veteranstoday.com
share it every day, show how he really is….. he hates america
Thats why they want our guns, and to get as many of these immigrants in to our country. Tell them to go fly a kte.
And totally incompetent idiots.
That is what i am talking about, Obama is a criminal. and you can’t get republicans to open their mouths about it….
Yes, organized crime.
It’s not a gun problem, and it’s not a climate change problem, it’s a Muslim problem. ..
If anything our nation should be arming every American citizen. .