Dave Hodges, of The Common Sense Show, has collected a series of facts and evidence that, he says, points toward a total government takeover of private assets.
He points to a series of “beta tests” in which the government has reclaimed Americans’ money without resistance. He claims the financial bailout was one of such tests, and since Americans seemed to accept the government “reinvestment,” they’re ready to take the rest of our money by similar means. They’ve even set up a worldwide chain of events that will make the government takeover look necessary for the survival of the global economy.
If this is true, the government’s plan has already been set in motion. To see Hodges’ series of events that will lead to this takeover, continue reading on the next page:
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When all of this is done..soldiers will swarm the country and annihilate islam,muslim in this country
This is not new it has been big time starting with George H. W. Bush we had a brief time when Reagan was president but even then it was corrupt it really started when the Kennedys were killed ..
Dont you people see what he is doing?, He wants a series of gun violence, a revolution, , mayhem in the streets, chaos, then he declares marshal law, postpones elections, work viciously at rewriting bill of rights, stricter gun confiscation and so much more, are you kidding America, this would be playing right into his and dems hands.This man is delusioned visionary and has an insatiable appetite for power and ever growing ego.If elections get postponed, all hell breaks loose is my predict
I agree
hip hip hurray
It’s time we stopped taking on global Issues. Lets be responsible for ourselves. Let the other nations do the same.
Well why don’t you all take a week off of work and go to the White House and take it back instead of crying about something that needs to be done don’t talk about it be about it
Over a million American men, soldiers, have died in wars for this country since its inception. They fought for the ideals stated within The Declaration of Independence, and the laws created in US Constitution. And although we are a country made up from immigrants, none have ever asked America to change its laws, that is, except those following sharia law. Why is it that the leaders of Russia, Australia, and other countries can say, “Hey, this is our country and these are our laws, if you don’t like it – get out!” Why doesn’t our leader say that? What kind of country have we become? What did all those brave patriotic men die for? Perhaps we need to remind our government that they are the employees of the American citizens and that ‘ours’ is still a government “BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE.” I think they’ve forgotten that. Maybe, it’s time WE THE PEOPLE enlighten them.
This president is so hell bent on muslimizing America that he does not care whether it costs the lives of its citizens, degrades the core essence of American laws, values, traditions, and customs, or put a heavier burden on the tax payers. He should be impeached. What he and kerry really should be doing is leading the movement to force the 57 countries in the arab nations to open their doors to syrian refugees and set up safe zones. Some of these countries, especially, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, have plenty of room to accommodate them. Perhaps, cutting off some of the millions in US aid they get every year would serve as an incentive. And where is the UN? And why do we, at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars each year, continue to support this utterly useless organization?
It serves the refugee no good to place them in foreign countries where they do not speak the language, do not have the same laws, foods, religion, culture, lifestyles, customs or values. In fact, most syrians have said they do not want to leave their homeland, and many are returning there from the other countries they migrated to. If we really want to be good humanitarians, (and we are the most generous people on the planet), we can support them by sending aid to the safe zones. We have already sent 5 billion dollars in aid to the countries supporting safe zones – THIS is WHO WE ARE AS AMERICANS.
However, WHO WE ARE NOT are a people who put the safety and security of any refugee, even ONE, before the safety and security of our children, grandchildren, and fellow countrymen! No wise president would put its citizens in harm’s way. In fact it’s illegal, the president swears an oath to, “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” and that includes not letting our enemies in. Not only does obama insist we take them in, but he then minimizes the risks they pose to us by either blaming the Republicans for exaggerating the threat, or laying guilt on WE THE PEOPLE and calling us cold hearted and scared of widows and children. And he says this knowing that the FBI is currently investigating over 1000 muslims suspected of being isis affiliated; and knowing that there are hundreds of terror cells already in America. Oh, but the syrian refugees, “undergo an intensive screening process which takes 18 – 24 months” he says. Really, Mr. president, then why do our Generals say that, “there is absolutely no way to vet them?” Maybe, because they are telling the truth. And as far as our “intensive screening process” if it is so good, why then are there 1000 suspected isis here and hundreds of terror cells. Maybe it’s because obama waived our country’s visa requirement system and muslims can travel in and out of America easy peasy. From 2009, over a million and a half muslims have immigrated here. Given these truths, and the outrageous immigrant problem we already have which is busting our country’s financial seams, how can WE THE PEOPLE have any faith or trust in our government to protect its citizens?
If there ever was a time to stand up and fight against a president and the party members that support him – it is now. WE THE PEOPLE MUST SCREAM “NO,” and if it takes petitions, letters, phone calls, protesting, or posting to a thousand web sites a day – we must be relentless in our commitment to stop this foolish and reckless president. Thank goodness that Americans got on the phones to the White House and their Senators and protested after the Paris attacks. Hopefully, the legislation they proposed will be passed despite the president saying he will veto it. If Americans had been complacent, obama would be shipping them in in great numbers, and realistically, there would be radical islamic terrorists amongst them.
WE THE PEOPLE have to make a stand and protect our country from this corrupt and delusional administration much like the brave patriots of 1773, who rebelled by throwing tea into Boston’s harbor and thusly inspired men to write the words and craft the ideals of ‘THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE’ and ‘THE U.S. CONSTITUTION.’ WE THE PEOPLE must now be the rebels who purge our country of the politicians who do not honor and protect America and Americans, first and foremost.
I call for the hanging of the goat loving scuslim terrorist traitor and its sympathizers, along with all the scuslims.