Dave Hodges, of The Common Sense Show, has collected a series of facts and evidence that, he says, points toward a total government takeover of private assets.
He points to a series of “beta tests” in which the government has reclaimed Americans’ money without resistance. He claims the financial bailout was one of such tests, and since Americans seemed to accept the government “reinvestment,” they’re ready to take the rest of our money by similar means. They’ve even set up a worldwide chain of events that will make the government takeover look necessary for the survival of the global economy.
If this is true, the government’s plan has already been set in motion. To see Hodges’ series of events that will lead to this takeover, continue reading on the next page:
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i believe that
…The Muslim Brotherhood is controlling everything…that is the reason Obama is still alive…and the country is going in the shitter…
I call for the immediate arrest of President Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Sortero aka Barry Obama aka Barack Hussein Sortero for the crime of treason.
For repeatedly subverting the constitution of United States of America.
For aiding and abetting our enemies, by giving aid, comfort, material and financial support. For signing into law measures which were not legally passed by congress. For illegally selling weapons of war in Libya to Syrian terrorists now known as ISIS aka ISIL. For engaging in an illegal war in Libya, against the war powers act, and without the authorization of the United States Congress. For implementing rules of engagement for the US Military designed to allow enemies of the United States to continue operations against the US and it’s allies.
For felony fraud by providing fraudulent documents concerning his eligibility to hold the office of president. For providing a forged Hawaiian birth certificate. For fraud committed against the Social Security Administration by using a social security number that does not belong to him. For identity theft against one Harrison J. Brunnel (now deceased) whose social security number Obama has been fraudulently using. For blatant fraud in misstating the scope, cost, and details of the Affordable Health Care and Patient Protection Act. If in fact Mr. Obama is a natural born US citizen, for fraud committed against Columbia University for enrolling and attending as a foreign student.
For blatantly violating federal law by allowing and insisting upon the admittance of individuals belonging to organizations who have declared the US as an enemy, access into the United States.
For illegally suppressing and sealing records of cabinet and judicial appointees.
For failure to instruct the Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute the theft of and/or misappropriation of five billion dollars from the US treasury under former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. For failure to prosecute former Secretary Clinton for trafficking in classified information
For illegally using the IRS to suppress organizations whose views oppose his.
For illegally using the EPA to suppress free market commerce under the unproven belief of man made global warming.
For granting exemptions to the Affordable Health Care and Patient Protection Act to campaign contributors.
For illegally suspending the enforcement of federal laws on immigration. For illegally implementing de facto amnesty for illegal aliens via executive order. For releasing criminal illegal aliens back into the population of the United States.
For repeatedly attempting to infringe upon the 2nd amendment rights of US citizens to keep and bear arms.
For repeatedly attempting to infringe upon the 1st amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion of of US citizens.
For violating the Constitution by gathering personal information of US citizens without a warrant.
For violating nearly every condition in his oath of office.
I also call for the immediate removal of all cabinet, bureaucratic and judicial appointees made by President Obama, and that all policies, proclamations and judicial decisions made by said appointees be nullified.
This is but a short list of legal offenses committed by the sitting President and is by no means a complete account. Many more violations and crimes are sure to come to light once thoroughly and honestly investigated. His moral offenses also call into question his ability to hold the office of President and Commander in Chief.
Every single elected and appointed official, whether city, county, state or federal who has taken an oath of office, is bound by his or her oath of office to protect and the defend the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Any and all officials who have failed to take action for the above offenses are in direct violation of their oaths of office.
Can sum one just dum this down and teal me wats happen here
Not just Obama. The entire system is corrupted and has been for decades. Presidents are puppets to money.
Thry will get my bullets first … before they get anything else
That they are
Here Here
And thief’s
I remember America it was a nice place to live and raise children when it was still America