Dave Hodges, of The Common Sense Show, has collected a series of facts and evidence that, he says, points toward a total government takeover of private assets.
He points to a series of “beta tests” in which the government has reclaimed Americans’ money without resistance. He claims the financial bailout was one of such tests, and since Americans seemed to accept the government “reinvestment,” they’re ready to take the rest of our money by similar means. They’ve even set up a worldwide chain of events that will make the government takeover look necessary for the survival of the global economy.
If this is true, the government’s plan has already been set in motion. To see Hodges’ series of events that will lead to this takeover, continue reading on the next page:
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Well said Mr. Stone , I agree and have been saying this for awhile now . As a disabled Vet i served 18 years protecting this beautiful country and what I have seen these last 7 years it’s a wonder we have an Army to protect us . Yes we need to stand up and remove him NOW
It sad that I Veda miller is the test for this RFID chip and my ex boyfriend can have everthing he want and can do what he like and I work my ass of and do not get one dime as working for the goverment and he sell drug and work for Muslim goverment ….I have a eye cam in my eye and I can see are have NUTHING becous he using us for drug on a RFID chip and think i need too give him my life please me get him taking down for hurt THAY scam. Thank you Veda miller
I wish as hard as I work I can put a EYECAM in someone a scam of the chip and not go too jail and hack. In cyberspace kill me and not let me see too brainwash for a cop scam