Hodges believes that Stage 1 is nearly complete and that Stage 2 is already underway.
Stage Two of the Revolution
Stage two of a revolution consists of civil disobedience. WE ARE SEEING STAGE ONE GLOBALIST TACTICS BLEED OVER INTO THIS STAGE EVEN BEFORE THE COUP TO TAKE DOWN TRUMP IS COMPLETE. This stage has to do with George Soros and paid protesters. This is about a contrived racially motivated civil war. America has gone from a Republic to a police state in less than a generation. The evidence for this transformation is as follows and it has been a long time coming:
1. The previous passage of the John Warner Defense bill removed all the firewalls between the people and subjugation by federally controlled troops. A scant few spoke out and nobody resisted.
2. Can you say FEMA Camps? The passage of the NDAA, eliminated all due process as it permitted the administration to arrest and indefinitely detain any American without due process. This is what makes the Jade Helm political “Red List” extractions legal and subsequent population relocation legal. A scant few spoke out and nobody resisted.
3. Obama’s declaration, through Executive Order 13603, proclaiming the authority seize control over any and all assets in the country and to invoke slave labor at Obama’s whim. When the liberals reclaim the presidency in 2020, EO 13603 will prominently figure in our collective history. A scant few will speak out and nobody will resist. This is the blueprint for the total takeover of the US should the globalists ever recapture the White House and they will in 2020 as the backbone of the patriot movement, the Independent Media will soon gone, and so will Trump.
4. Red flag gun laws that can seize your gun without due process. Any totalitarian regime can cut the legs out of a revolution by disarming the people. A scant few will speak out and nobody will resist.
No matter what gun control laws that the Deep State brings to the American people, the people need to disobey as civil disobedience is our best friend. However, passive disobedience is our VERY best friend. Most readers already know what happens when a civilian population surrenders its guns. If your knowledge of history is shaky, take a look at Pol Pot, Rwanda, Hitler, Stalin and Mao. The University of Hawaii tells us that that over 260 million people were killed by their governments in the 20th century and this was accomplished after gun confiscation. Any nation that gives up its guns, has sealed its fate.
When, not if, but when the Deep State comes for our guns, all of us have a constitutional duty to disobey these unlawful policies. And even if we manage to hang on to our guns, it is easy to predict the next move as Stalin invoked the practice of creating food shortages. You can count on this happening.
Move to the final page.