84-year-old Kitty Werthmann lived through Hitler’s reign and has some dire warnings for Americans to not let history repeat itself with Barack Obama.
She sees striking resemblances between Obama’s actions and Hitler’s – from the redistribution of wealth to the nationalization of health care to gun confiscation and other issues.
You are one of the few that understand the Marxist strategy of Clinton /Obama . Everything lines up with the typical Marxist strategy to seize control of our democracy and usher in a socialist government. Our citizens are expendable in the eyes of a globalist. Megalomaniacs will kill their own family.
No kidding
For all the people who know it all, listen and learn before it’s to late.
This woman knows of what she speaks
This all sounds VERY familiar!
Listen to Kitty
Ai true!
Thats right
Listen to this wise lady.