Barack Obama appears to be closing out his reign as president the same way that he began it back in 2009 — on an apology tour.
Senator Obama ran in 2008 on the platform that most of the problems in the world cannot be solved by the United States. This is a sentiment that many on both the left and right share, but Obama’s reasoning sets him apart from others. The reason that Barack Obama believes that the United States cannot solve global problems is because — in his mind — the United State is responsible for most problems in the world.
Obama showed his true feelings immediately after taking office, going on a whirlwind, worldwide apology tour. He apologized to the French and the Europeans for America’s “arrogance.” In the very same year, the president apologized to Latin America, the Muslim world, the Turkish parliament, and the leaders of the G-20 Summit for various American transgressions. He also apologized for the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, the CIA, and the war on terror.
As the lame duck president flaps and flutters through his final months as president, he is making clear he has a few more apologies to issue before he leaves. Friday, while in Hiroshima, Japan, the president issued perhaps his most despicable apology to date. On Memorial Day weekend, the president apologized to the Japanese for the atomic bombings that ended World War II. To read how this is leading to calls for Congress to officially censure the president, continue reading on the next page:
Nobody cares what you think Michael Brussow
Nice copy and paste. I already responded to your pointless comment on another post.
Congratulations on mastering the cut and paste feature of your computer Michael Brussow
John Garriga – I think you meant HOE monger!
Despicable traitor
Wont this selfcentered moron understand anythiing ? He shure doesnt listen to himself if he did he would shut the F up….and just play mute the rest of his term no one can damage us anyworse than he has and done to the effect of many generations to come……We are not sorry for ant of those things we have done …we didnt go on a rampage as do the arab world because those ignorant excuses for men tangled up with us !!!!!
He should just skip out…..and become lost like DB Sheldon Cooper
“. . . Doing EVERYTHING Possible To Avoid War”. and yet you condemn those that are alleged to have individually opted out! You can’t have it both ways!
Angel Toro – NO! I retyped it verbatim in case some moron, like you, missed it!
Jason Manley – It would have been COPY and paste moron! CUT & paste removes the original entry! Get a clue about computer mastery!