Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced on Sunday a program to recruit undocumented immigrants into a voter registration program. Funny, doesn’t undocumented mean that they’re not allowed to vote? Clinton’s plan is to one-up President Obama, who four years ago created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which offered renewable visas and deportation deferral to the children of illegal immigrants. This, of course, is just one more of the many “shortcuts” the Obama Administration has put in place for illegal immigrants to get into America without actually going through the proper process.
The Democratic National Committee also stated that Clinton will go further than Obama by introducing “immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship” within her first few months in office. As a champion of DACA and DAPA, Clinton used DACA’s four year anniversary to launch this new voter registration program.
Read what Hillary plans on doing with this voter registration program on the next page.
But where do any of you think they are heading?
Have you seen the scene in the movie “ghost” when the bad people pass away?
2 peas in a pod – kettle calling the pot black
That’s what 2 piles look like! Oh nice! Now we know how much S will be in WH if she’s elected! Greattttttttt!
never Kildabeast
Hillary been in Politics for the passed 40 year’s and what has she done? Last time in the White house they was impeached! TRUST How can you trust Hillary Clinton with anything? How can you give your vote to someone you can’t trust!? Extremely carelessness, Pathological Liar, dishonest, Untrustworthy! Your life & kid’s are in the hands of who becomes President? Now do you trust and believe Hillary Clinton the one for the job? Pathological Liar, dishonest, clueless extremely carelessness, in her server and her e-mails! And now we’re hearing about the Foundation that it’s a slush fund!?Hillary has said in the past she was going to do so much and never follow through with anything! Hillary want’s to bring in 65,000 illegals & Muslim in a year or even more! To over crowd America! Hillary want’s to raise our taxes just to support all the Illegals she going to bring into the U.S.A. Tell me how is that helping America? I would like to know?? If Hillary get in it will be another 4 years of Obama !!!!Obama entered Office without ANY successful executive experience! And 8 year’s later he’ll leave the same way!!!!!On the other hand Donald J. Trump has been a successful business man in everything he’s done! He will make a wonderful President! He’s for the people and for America! A big difference! Trump for President!
So I have to fight through adds just to see that the actual article is on the second page. This is now on my soon to be deleted list.
They stole 280.000.from the white house and to this day has not returned it all