Hillary Clinton is certainly aiming to keep with kindred spirits with her top VP choices. One violated the Hatch Act and the other committed a ‘Clinton’ when he deleted emails amid a scandal and used a secret account.
Julian Castro, Housing Secretary, violated the Hatch Act, when he “touted” Hillary’s candidacy in an interview earlier this year. The Hatch Act bars “most Executive Branch officials from expressing their political views while on official business”. Castro, in his April 4 interview, crossed this legal line according to the seven-page report by the U.S. Office of Special Counsel.
Castro shared, “personal political views with official agency business, despite his efforts to clarify that some answers were being given in his personal capacity,” and though he agrees with the OSC’s findings, he thought he had effectively avoided breaking the Hatch law in the interview.
The rest of the story is on page two, including the fact that Obama will not punish Castro for his offense.
Wow! Imagine that!
Bad just like her
Santized H**o
” try to eat her out “. I get it but, better wording would have saved my dinner.
Birds of a feather flock together . Hillary’s camp is like the mafia only insiders need apply .
Castro is a nut job!
Gypsies, tramps and thieves: that appears to be the Democratic party’s game. No honesty, no honor, no integrity, just one scam after another, one criminal act after another, and one cover up perpetrated by the Obama administration and their cohorts.
I know that saying well. One is known by the company they keep. If you lie down with dogs, don’t be surprised that you have fleas.
This is one of Obama’s mentors as is George Soros.
Not this American Patriot. I have no sympathy for liars, crooks, thieves and murderers!