Source: Flickr
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in dozens of unbelievable scandals in her long career, and some of them are absolutely horrible. The Benghazi scandal, her history of apparent influence-peddling, her “poor judgement” in compromising her own email security, followed by a cover-up by deleting emails, these are just a few of her more obvious and memorable transgressions. But in this list we’ll look at just 10 of the exaggerations and outright lies she has told, when telling the truth would’ve clearly been the better option.
Compulsive lying is a sociopathic behavior and these 10 examples – where she was caught red-handed – are surely just the tip of the Clinton iceberg of dishonesty.
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So true
Dennis Monte You are so right. When hiring employees I was interested in there past/present actions and their body language they display more than the resume and their rehearsed interviewing words. My goal was to make them feel as comfortable as possible so that they would lowered their guard and display their actions, reactions and behaviors. The best way too do that was to take them out to lunch or dinner interview and quick pressure meetings with others good-guy/bad-bad guy employee interactions meetings! I ask them the same questions but in different ways to test their honestly and ethical behavior and professional employment standards. I also let them speak and allow them to control the conversation without interruptions. I was amazing at the things they would say sometimes completely unprofessional responses. I would be like, did you really say that? Are your aware your in a job interview and not sitting on a bar stool with friends shooting the bull!
If Trumps lips are moving, he’s lying. Trump and his supporters are no more patriots to nation then$#%&!@*and his Nazis were to Germany.
Just ignore her, she is a serial liar, dishonest, weak and untrustworthy
She will say or do anything to get elected!