Source: Flickr
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in dozens of unbelievable scandals in her long career, and some of them are absolutely horrible. The Benghazi scandal, her history of apparent influence-peddling, her “poor judgement” in compromising her own email security, followed by a cover-up by deleting emails, these are just a few of her more obvious and memorable transgressions. But in this list we’ll look at just 10 of the exaggerations and outright lies she has told, when telling the truth would’ve clearly been the better option.
Compulsive lying is a sociopathic behavior and these 10 examples – where she was caught red-handed – are surely just the tip of the Clinton iceberg of dishonesty.
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How ridiculiously stupid are some people to actualy vote for this criminal
Heard she is sacredlly dating (chumly-from pickers) on the side
Hillary has told so many (millions) of lies, that she can’t tell the truth.
It’s been my mantra for many years that when a person’s words disagree with their actions, ignore the words and believe the actions. People will say what they want you to hear, but will do what they want to do. A person’s actions defines and demonstrates their character.
How do you even rate them all?
That’s just not fair. Her lies count in the thousands and a top 10 list would be impossible. Even top 50 would be a vexing problem. Top 100 lies might be doable.
So, vote for Trump, NFW!
Like counting the number of times the bleachers at Wrigley Field have been farted on.
Never changes….