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Hillary Clinton has been implicated in dozens of unbelievable scandals in her long career, and some of them are absolutely horrible. The Benghazi scandal, her history of apparent influence-peddling, her “poor judgement” in compromising her own email security, followed by a cover-up by deleting emails, these are just a few of her more obvious and memorable transgressions. But in this list we’ll look at just 10 of the exaggerations and outright lies she has told, when telling the truth would’ve clearly been the better option.
Compulsive lying is a sociopathic behavior and these 10 examples – where she was caught red-handed – are surely just the tip of the Clinton iceberg of dishonesty.
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We must all stand together as one and speak with our legislators here to fix the problems with the federal government! Our Nation is heading down a very dark path,please get involved. For all our sakes. Please pay attention to the July 1,2016 Executive Order and the new AUMF Obama is trying to get currently. Don’t confuse the federal government with the State government. The people of the States still have the authority unless we continue to do nothing as we have been. Every one complains and rightfully so. The Solution is getting involved at the local levels. Find your legislators. Bring our troops home, all of them! They are needed more here and now than ever before. The enemy is already inside our country! If you don’t know how to help do this,because you’re not alone in that look for KrisAnne Hall. She’ll teach you. Obama is immigrating his Army into our country.
Lock her up
And many people who could’ve testified against them all met the same mysterious fate.
I wish she would swallow a hand grenade.
Her agenda is to create a government for the people who have looked the other way. She is a war minor, Israel will see the evil she has for them and anyone else who stands in her way.
They cut their budget.State dept.decides where the money goes.
Cuts a cut anyway you spin it when the big guns leave you better take your greedy$#%&!@*home with them
On the 25th of July 2016 Hillary stated in her speech to the VFW that she would not help any countries that ‘Hate the USA’…But, she accepts money from them. I think that needs to be made extremely clear to as many people as possible. 4 years as the SOS and only using her Undocumented and Private Server Only, and there was not one ‘Classified’, ‘Top-Secret’, or Sensitive eMail that passed through it? Unlikely! She’s guilty, even more so than Petraeus! This is Exactly why we as a country cannot allow this individual into the highest office in the land.