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Hillary Clinton has been implicated in dozens of unbelievable scandals in her long career, and some of them are absolutely horrible. The Benghazi scandal, her history of apparent influence-peddling, her “poor judgement” in compromising her own email security, followed by a cover-up by deleting emails, these are just a few of her more obvious and memorable transgressions. But in this list we’ll look at just 10 of the exaggerations and outright lies she has told, when telling the truth would’ve clearly been the better option.
Compulsive lying is a sociopathic behavior and these 10 examples – where she was caught red-handed – are surely just the tip of the Clinton iceberg of dishonesty.
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It’s just a circle of corruption. Even Chelsea’s father-in-law was in prison for fraud and other crimes and was connected to the Clintons.
I’ll be pissing on her grave, also……..100%
she is guilty ,she is a liar ,she is a murderer !!!
Still and will always be a lying , corrupt old hag !!
Carl says, “Republicans have learned the lessons from$#%&!@*quite well. “Tell lies big enough and tell them often enough and the brain donors will believe. Esecially those with no moral compass.'”
Hillary released 33 years of tax returns .. the angry orange man ? .. zero ”I’m with Her”
Frank Wagner tax returns don’t mean c**p when you have 40 years of unethical behavior’s, federal indictment and a perpetual and compulsive political corruption and lies!
I find that if you never tell the truth it is just normal conversation. Long ago she lied about the Branch Dividians and you know what happened there. Lost a lot of lives unnecessarily. Moving to current days we have Benghazi. Consistency is important. It isn’t necessarily positive. But it helps you understand that change won’t happen.
Ain’t it the truth
Frank Wagner and that is a reason to vote for a president. No wonder we are in such a pickle