Source: Flickr
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in dozens of unbelievable scandals in her long career, and some of them are absolutely horrible. The Benghazi scandal, her history of apparent influence-peddling, her “poor judgement” in compromising her own email security, followed by a cover-up by deleting emails, these are just a few of her more obvious and memorable transgressions. But in this list we’ll look at just 10 of the exaggerations and outright lies she has told, when telling the truth would’ve clearly been the better option.
Compulsive lying is a sociopathic behavior and these 10 examples – where she was caught red-handed – are surely just the tip of the Clinton iceberg of dishonesty.
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History is a representation of a persons future! No matter what they say their action speaks louder than words! 40 years of Clinton baggage show that she can not and should not be trusted for any position in government! She has demonstrated discord, manipulations, deceit, contempt, corruption and narcissistic trends that are inexcusable!
It was evident, from Bill Clinton’s speech, that White Water and up to the Congressional hearings of late were ‘missing.’
Hillary for prison! TRUMP 2016!
To hear Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Jackson, Bloomberg talk about her as so new a progressive leader is pure BS. She lives in Wall Street, hugs the Banksters and ponders to whoever is willing the pay-to-play! Her tentacles are deep and long into every pocket she can reach, she has no morals, ethic or concern for the office of the presidency! To her it is a self gain a power and self-centered achievement. She cares not about women, blacks, Latinos, the poor, physically challenged, she is all about HILLARY or the HildaBeast!
#1 Benghazi
Wonder why it is necessary to try and humanize and re-invent someone who has been in the public eye for over 40 years…..hmmmmm
lock her up
not time to write a book on them
Stana Nunes