Like most feminists, Hillary Clinton is hypocritical about equality between men and women. She and her cohorts claim to want be treated no differently from men.
Well, they want equal treatment as long as it’s for something they want, like “equal pay” to compensate for the widely debunked wage gap they perceive in the workplace. If it’s something that requires actual toil and sacrifice, however, the last thing they want is to be treated like men, as was painfully apparent at last night’s Democratic debate.
Addressing the Democratic frontrunner, CNN moderator Anderson Cooper questioned her about her opinion of military leaders voicing support for requiring women to register for Selective Service. As a self-proclaimed advocate of gender equality, you would think that Hillary would say that women, like men, should register for the draft. At least, that would be the philosophically consistent thing to do.
But as you probably know, progressives like Hillary are not interested in being philosophically consistent: they’re just want to do the most expedient thing at the moment and avoid putting themselves at risk. So it was no surprise that Hillary came out against women registering with Selective Service.
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Woman are NOT equal to men..but if a woman is doing the same job a man is doing she should get paid the same ..there are jobs out there that a man does that a woman can’t..and let’s face it us men don’t want woman doing those jobs..Woman know what they can do and what they can’t..
I continue to say she is TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED & UNFIT to be POTUS!!
Wish they’d draft her and use her as a human IED detector.
I hate everything she has to say and I hate to see her face on facebook or anywhere else. She makes me sick.
Hillary is for whatever suits her needs at the moment. She was against all the women who claimed rape by Billy, then for voter purposes she said all women should be believed when it comes to rape. She is for everything women can get but not for the draft of women. She talks out of both sides of her mouth depending on who she’s talking to but in the end it is all lies, lies, lies.
anyone that believes this liar deserves what they get ,with all the blood on her hand she should be in prison not running for president
I agree with you 100% Rick Rick Ripley. Lowering standards for women does not make them equal! When a woman puts her “rights” before the lives of male soldiers, are they any better than the enemy??
During my time in the Basic, 30 out of 31 females had been physically or sexually abused prior to entering.
Hillary can go fu## herself.
I don’t read your posts although I would like to. Get busy and make your print larger