Like most feminists, Hillary Clinton is hypocritical about equality between men and women. She and her cohorts claim to want be treated no differently from men.
Well, they want equal treatment as long as it’s for something they want, like “equal pay” to compensate for the widely debunked wage gap they perceive in the workplace. If it’s something that requires actual toil and sacrifice, however, the last thing they want is to be treated like men, as was painfully apparent at last night’s Democratic debate.
Addressing the Democratic frontrunner, CNN moderator Anderson Cooper questioned her about her opinion of military leaders voicing support for requiring women to register for Selective Service. As a self-proclaimed advocate of gender equality, you would think that Hillary would say that women, like men, should register for the draft. At least, that would be the philosophically consistent thing to do.
But as you probably know, progressives like Hillary are not interested in being philosophically consistent: they’re just want to do the most expedient thing at the moment and avoid putting themselves at risk. So it was no surprise that Hillary came out against women registering with Selective Service.
Turn to the next page for more:
Hillary do we draft all women or not ?
That’s crazy they should be happy to take you. I try when I was young and they wouldn’t take me because I only weight 95 pounds and you have to be 100 and over
So she’s down with women being able to vote at 18, but not being required to register for the boards or take any of the same risks a male citizen would be required to take. That’s hot. Just the kind of horse$#%&!@*I want in a “leader”. Ugh.
yeah I agree
She’s a freakin idiot
See you next Tuesday Billiary
Idiots like her don’t want equal rights, they want special rights!
Hypocrisy is, or should be, her middle name. But then, she is a career politician.
A completely PSYCHOTIC group called the National Coalition for Men is behind much of this b******t of pushing women into the draft. This group attracts criminals, rapists and child molesters and it’s members put out articles like “I RAPE” — a manifesto of a rapist. I have NO DOUBT they are funded by the Muslim Brotherhood or similar as they spend HUGE $$$ to protect rapists, murderers and criminals: especially if their accusers are women—>EVIDENCE BE DAMNED. If the women’s charges are dismissed (which they often are) they encourage PUBLISHING HER PICTURE AND PERSONAL INFORMATION with the title “FALSE VICTIM” next to it.
These psychopaths destroy women’s groups set up to help communities (like battered women’s shelters) with frivolous lawsuits designed to destroy programs designed to help the less fortunate.
This lunatic group claims it’s “discrimination” for teenage girls to not be required to sign up for the draft. IT’S A MAN’S MILITARY and why this is such B******T. 1 in 3 women who enter the armed services are RAPED. And the men doing it rarely, if ever, are punished.
Worse,$#%&!@*reps like Duncan Hunter–“INSANE” WARMONGERS who routinely take special interest payments/donations from military contractors–are pushing for this bill to go through.
I have a proposal….if the National Coalition for men can file frivolous lawsuits whining about discrimination on women’s draft, THEN WOMEN SHOULD FILE A LAWSUIT DEMANDING ENTRY INTO FREEMASON LODGES. They do discriminate against women, and FAIR IS FAIR….RIGHT?