Hillary loves to tout herself as a champion for the little people. Well, Clinton makes more money for a 20-minute speech to an mundane industry trade group than a dozen fast-food workers make in an entire year. Read more about her luxurious lifestyle on the next page:
did hillary LIE when she tells Americans how poor she is? she likes her bribes
taking bribes
that is the lie that she keeps telling Americans yep hillary thinks Americans are DUM
Money the root of all evil Trump for president! !!
Monica, where are you?
Hillary the shadylady belongs in Jail!!!!! She has broken federal law and deserves Jail!
She is saying nothing wrong if middle class is anybody making 500,000/year is middle class too. If you not one fo them, then you should go with Sanders.
Go Bernie! Go Bernie!!!
Not only a hypocrite, also a liar, corrupt, traitor, and murderer.