Hillary loves to tout herself as a champion for the little people. Well, Clinton makes more money for a 20-minute speech to an mundane industry trade group than a dozen fast-food workers make in an entire year. Read more about her luxurious lifestyle on the next page:
Hypocrite, Liar, Criminal, Theif, Boring, Scary, She has the same qualifications as Obama. You know, she does have the qualifications to be a President.
great women
wake up people
Lol.Kerry Jerry Mccombs
Hillary Clinton is for the common criminals not the common man!
Biggest hypocrite going! She laughs all the way to the bank! Never enough money for her, ever!!!,!,,,,
The Clintons, Both of them, are, and have always been Liars, murderers, and TRAITORS.
Liar..traitor ..murderer. no killiary in the W.H.
She is such a liar. Why doesn’t she & Bill just move into their 12 million $ house & leave us alone.!!!
That is why the truth about her and others like her must start be declared all across America, where there are so many people by the 100s of thousands proclaiming the truth about her and others like her that it would be no way anyone could stop that many people not even the corrupt news media, in church’s, on FaceBook, Twitter, emails, where they work, with family and friends, and on the Internet, YouTube and every place and every where, to send the fear of God into her and others like her so they know their days in public office and their bribes and corruption are coming to a end. We the People of America are not going to sit by any longer, we are going to enough numbers vote people out if office, we are taking our nation back, and our Constitution back as well as our courts back, and in the end charging her and others like her with treason which includes the Supreme Court Judges, and for those in elected public office and the Supreme Court if you kept your oath of office and did not violate the U.S. Constitution then they will not have a thing to worry about but if they did, the problem did they will pay for their crimes will cost them everything??