Incontrovertible evidence continues to mount against Hillary Clinton as disturbing information proves that her emails did a lot more damage than the liberal media would have people believe.
Just a day after former Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned that it was extremely likely Russia, China and Iran accessed classified information through Hillary’s private email server, Fox News reported that one of the “Top Secret” documents it learned about last week contained human intelligence.
That is, the document included info on American spies as well as their sources abroad, all of which was open for anybody who had access to Hillary’s emails to see. This means that the FSB or Chinese intelligence might very well have uncovered American agents in their midst, putting our operatives at risk and wreaking havoc on our intelligence-gathering efforts.
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If she has, those 4 guys in Benghazi aren’t the only ones that will wind up dead — there is nothing ” Honorable ” about her
Both Palin & Trump are Emotionaly & Mentally Sick, Childish Hatefull Clowns that blames Obama for everything. They are Horrable examples of human behavior, setting a Terrable example for Republicans, and yet Republicans support them ?
We are SO Proud to be Democrats. So Proud of Bernie & Hillary for showing the world what a class act we are compared to the GOP Presidental front runners.. And Thank you President Obama, keep fighting the Good Fight.
She belongs in prison
Yeah her$#%&!@*is about 2 feet long .
Hillary your Treason is not the kind of thing Americans can forget about.
Arrest her.
#DonaldTrump…..Proud Michigan female Voting TRUMP for President and will not back down. Idiot Dumocrats are running scared now!!
It’s called no conscience. She is a cold blooded reptile.
Illegal Big Bankers transfers, IRS SCANDALS. VETERANS AFFAIRS SCANDALS too.
That would explain why the fucks knew certain things and some attacks didn’t work ad well