Incontrovertible evidence continues to mount against Hillary Clinton as disturbing information proves that her emails did a lot more damage than the liberal media would have people believe.
Just a day after former Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned that it was extremely likely Russia, China and Iran accessed classified information through Hillary’s private email server, Fox News reported that one of the “Top Secret” documents it learned about last week contained human intelligence.
That is, the document included info on American spies as well as their sources abroad, all of which was open for anybody who had access to Hillary’s emails to see. This means that the FSB or Chinese intelligence might very well have uncovered American agents in their midst, putting our operatives at risk and wreaking havoc on our intelligence-gathering efforts.
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Hilary going to prison
she is a spy
Why Would You Vote For HER??????
Donald Trump for President 2016
Donald Trump Commander in Chief 2016
If you or I did this, we’d be in jail! Why does she get away with it!!. Something is very wrong with our country! All polititions get away with murder. And the rest of us have to live by their$#%&!@*rules. Polititions don’t care about us! It’s all them! And they run our country! Look at Obams. He thinks he is a god and can do whatever he wants. We as real people are screwed! And these assholes are running our country.
she has nothing to worry about she and bama nothing will ever happen,doing tomuch talking noyhing being done.
Put her$#%&!@*in jail already.
Indict her treasonous$#%&!@*NOW!
She’s dangerous!