Incontrovertible evidence continues to mount against Hillary Clinton as disturbing information proves that her emails did a lot more damage than the liberal media would have people believe.
Just a day after former Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned that it was extremely likely Russia, China and Iran accessed classified information through Hillary’s private email server, Fox News reported that one of the “Top Secret” documents it learned about last week contained human intelligence.
That is, the document included info on American spies as well as their sources abroad, all of which was open for anybody who had access to Hillary’s emails to see. This means that the FSB or Chinese intelligence might very well have uncovered American agents in their midst, putting our operatives at risk and wreaking havoc on our intelligence-gathering efforts.
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Oh hell no
If she is so innocent then Why is she and the administration dragging their feet handing over emails etc….how long ago did thus happen and Congress Who has The Duty to Hold Fact finding Searchs and Hold public hearings. And if evidence of her guilt not only for the deaths but the fact that other countries may have for State dept and CIA AND MEMBERS OF PENTAGON. ….BY NOT USING SECURE LINES SHE PROBABLY CAUSE OTHER PROBLEMS. ….She was Secretary of State…but she failed to do her job.
Bring the Spies home, don’t let them be the second Benghzis’!
This lying no good traitor needs to have her big fat butt thrown in JAIL.!!
I believe she was hacked and she did not even care if it happened. She is a dispicable person who has defied the law and gotten away with breaking every low, lying to the public and likes the fact she can get away with anything the the people of this country can do nothing about it. So far she’s right.
Where is the FBI?
Forget trial. Send her to Gitmo for treason.
I don’t know how she can manage to stay out of prison for so long,,,and this a woman who is running for the presidency ???/ she’s a fucking liar,,,HOW CAN ANY ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND VOTE FOR HER,,,,? SHE and D Trump,,,out of these two,,,,bring the devil and let him chose !!