We all knew this was coming. Hillary Clinton used the company Internap as the internet service provider for her private email account during her tenure as Secretary of State. Internap, based in Atlanta, has a facility in Manhattan, near the physical location of the IP address for clintonemail.com.
You know what is coming next, so click to the next page and find out more why Hillary might consider orange jumpsuits as her new and permanent fashion statement:
The Butcher of Bengahzi
Where is the $6 billion that was lost on her watch? How do you loose $6billion? Off shore account?
If she was changed Obama would pardon her Quickly became she could take him with her
Should be charged with treason. Hell and they want to charge ed Snowdon for being a whistle blower. Shch
go figure
Yes , Her heads been Hacked
I as an x intercept operator know that if china had the free text they could reverse analyse the data the chinese russian etc. Could then break any encoded messages sent by any government office. Having a top secret special intelligence clearance I know that this is the worst breakdown of security the us intelligence community has ever witnessed. This administration is intentionally destroying america.
Democrats and libs and many republicans traitors will vote for her what fools they are.