Clinton Buying Her Way to Nomination
The DNC is presently financially insolvent. They need funds to help party efforts in the Southern states, and Clinton and husband Bill have shown themselves to be excellent fund raisers, though the funds raised by the Clinton Family Foundation have a decidedly questionable air to them. Nevertheless, a recent email appeared to show that Clinton is funding the DNC effort, which no doubt is providing her with the support she needs to overcome the “inconvenient” aspects of her recent history. The email reads as follows:
It is not clear exactly how much money is being provided, but if Bernie Sanders wants to level the playing field, it appears that he will need to get in the money game as well. Clinton has shown that she will do whatever it takes to win the nomination, and for some reason her supporters are willing to overlook her lies, bad policies, and possibly even her illegal activities. It was during husband Bill’s tenure as president that many in the public suggested that character matters. Perhaps in the case of Hillary and her supporters, it actually doesn’t.
I can just hear that witches kackle….ahhhh haaa haaa haaa haaa! Oil of clove…..ear of bat….I look like a horse…that just took a shat!