Hillary is up to her old tricks once again. After losing seven of the last eight contests to an aging Marxist, Hillary still can’t seem to do anything but lie, pander, and cough incessantly.
Her latest fit came during an interview with urban radio show The Breakfast Club. After multiple occurrences of this vocally debilitating and highly irritating cough, many are once again questioning the quality of Hillary’s health.
Of course, this isn’t Mrs. Clinton’s first brush with medical uncertainty — that would be her well documented concussion from a few years ago and the myriad of medical problems that ensued — but these episodes have so far gone unexplained by her campaign.
Perhaps they’re too busy trying to explain the Democrat frontrunner’s obvious — and perhaps overtly racist — pandering to the African-American community that occurred just moments later.
See both Hillaryisms in the video on the next page:
that what she does best lie
Smoke some more crack
I don’t know which is more unsettling, when she’s coughing or when she’s barking.
Hillary and Obama are both Marxist, and power hungry. They sold their souls to the devil in exchange of power to destroy America!
That those cigars she smokes
Hillary supporters
are caught up in the dogma
it’s time for a woman president
they really don’t care what she’s done
they just want to be on the winning side
her campaign runs like a personality cult
it’s a very dangerous situation because
look at Jim Jones and the Kool-Aid how
it can go wrong at the last second
This happens only when she has to answer tough questions.
Allergic to the truth.
She’s coughing to cover up a fart.
STOP THE LIES ,She was talking about how Bill told her to hold it.