Hillary Clinton needs to start taking *cough cough* vitamins *cough cough*. She certainly seems to be sick a lot. This is once again causing her supporters to wonder about the state of her health. As young as she looks, if elected (God help us), she would almost be the oldest president to ever take up the mantle. Ronald Reagan was elected at sixty-nine years of age, while Hillary is just short of that mark at sixty-eight years of age. While her most recent coughing fit didn’t last nearly as long as the others, many are wondering if it has something to do with the concussion she suffered years ago, or if she’s actually sick, and if so, can she survive the rigors of being the head honcho in the White House?
Then there’s the alternative. Perhaps she’s developed a nervous tick and coughs every time she lies. Or maybe she’s starting to choke on all of those skeletons she’s hidden in her closet. Anything is possible.
You can watch her latest coughing fit on the next page.
Maybe we’ll get lucky and her throat will swell shut she must have had some bad p***y
One of omas c hairs
The immigrants always make sure we Gay’s have plenty of Crystal Meth and Heroin for all of our California Gay Pride Events. It’s probably why Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton sent the drug cartels all the assault weapons with the excuse they were using the weapons to track them. Hundreds of civilians woman and children were murdered including two US border agents. This forced a mass migration of illegal’s fleeing the Mexican Drug Cartels.
As usual she must be hiding something.
She.chokes because everything she says is lie. Maybe if we are lucky she’ll lose her voice.
Good news, folks. All those lies are backing up on her.
She keeps choking on her own lies; no cure for that!!
Choking on her lies maybe?
She should stick to barking
she been eating nasty pu**y