Hillary Clinton’s pandering is obvious to anyone marginally observant. From various interest groups with her phony techniques ,such as adopting a black southern preacher cadence and drawl when addressing African Americans, to promising endless bounties of free goods for support and vote.
The promises are something that virtually all Democrat candidates do when working black audiences, and the wonder is that blacks fall for it every time and then wonder why they got snookered again. That was true even with Obama. Clinton, however, is much more insulting and patronizing in her effort to “get down with the brothers and sisters” who are absolutely light years of separation from who Clinton really is. It is embarrassing, but still seems to work.
This year, however, is a bit different in that Clinton’s opponent, Bernie Sanders, actually did march with civil rights leaders in the 1960’s and associated with the black leaders of the era. So Hillary must be even more brazen, and promise more favors to show she really understands the problems of the African American groups she is speaking to. And that means she is even willing to accept and agree with the criminal movement called Black Lives Matter. In doing so, she may find that her white base deserts her, due to the outrageous and insulting positions that BLM has taken.
What Hillary promises to BML, page 2:
As a criminal you need to shut up
i dont have a money laundering scheme called the clinton foundation which gets billions from foreign governments, of which you give 3 percent to charity and pocket the rest,$#%&!@*you and your privilidge
Bitch I pay these f**e$#%&!@*taxes. Don’t even have insurance it should be free just for the taxes I pay on everything.$#%&!@*the government federal government congress. Kill Domestic terrorist.
I’m not privileged,Iv worked for everything I have.
She might feel a need to recognize her white privilege but I sure as hell don’t. One generstion out of the fields and no college degree, I don’t think so.
Worked my$#%&!@*off to get a little ahead I will not apologize for being white . A teenage father, did what I had to to survive, because of my hard work, started working for minimum wage by the way, knew I couldn’t thrive on that. Worked my way up to Executive sales Manager of a fortune 500 company. I didn’t ask the Government to give me a pay raise I went out and made it on my own. So no white privilege here but then my net worth isn’t 200 million dollars working as a public servant. Oh by the way if blacks want reparations go directly to the Democratic party they owned 95% of all slaves. My family had none.
Bitch go away plz do America a favor retire to some other country for ever thank you
speak the truth, no matter whos feelings get hurt, if loreen had her way, no one would even speak at all
Well she should set the example and give hers up first.
Tell them what you call Obama and Michael when they. don’t do what you think they should.
speak for yourself, stop playing to the audience and lying