Hillary Clinton’s response to “What will you do to address the epidemic of mass shootings in the United States?” at the CNN debate on Sunday, was classic liberal babble. She begins by pulling out her broad paint brush and using it to color her entire answer with leftist logic and lumps all into the term “people”, thus portraying the law abiding citizen in the same culture and light as the “killer”.
Hillary responded to the question posed, as follows, “Ya know, on average, 90 people a day are killed by gun violence in our country.” This of course does not address the question of epidemic mass shooting posed by the debate moderator.
“I think we have to try everything that works to try to limit the numbers of people and the kinds of people who are given access to firearms.” What kinds of people does Hillary mean? It seems she has law abiding citizens lumped in with criminals. What numbers is she talking about? Her vague answer is telling, as she truly implies all people must submit to her gun-free America, as we all fit into her definition of kind.
Not furious yet? Move to page two and continue fueling your hate fire.
these people were let out of prison by the democrats they are the ones doing the most shootings but they won/t own up to that get rid of the illegals and stop letting thugs out of jails
Unworthy to be president.
Go ahead until success.
We the People need to give Hillary access to a 8X8 prison cell.
Get The Hell Out Of America s White House Go back from where ever You came from. See if. Bill even wants your pants whereing$#%&!@* Maybe if you bark loud enough some one might give you a bone r to chew on.
who is shw talking about
betcha this lady gets in how sad is that she willl finish the job the boss of the borg started
Judges already limit as many people as the Constitution can permit them to limit, what else can be done?………………………….it sure would be nice to hear her answer that one!