Hillary Clinton is threatening conservative news sites, specifically Breitbart, if she is elected. If she gets her way, any media site that opposes her will be equally at risk of being shut down. First Amendment-hating Hillary cannot abide anyone who disagrees with her. Much like her threats that Christians must change their religious beliefs, this attack on free press shows her true totalitarian leanings.
The left owns just about everything, politically speaking. They have network news, newsprint, leftist websites and most journalists are Hillary proponents. The only place the conservative voice is heard is on talk radio and read at places like Breitbart, where freedom to report non-sanctioned Hillary news is allowed.
In Hillary’s world, one frighteningly similar to totalitarian regimes, she would like to see conservative free thought and press exterminated. Like those who have opposed the Clintons for years and have met untimely deaths, the threat to media sites that oppose her is a real possibility, should she be elected.
Read Clinton’s astonishing anti-freedom remarks on the Next Page.
Makes me wonder why I am still following as well. I like that kind of thing until they have a political leaning.
That’s the look of bills girlfriend not taking the 1.5″
Poor thing !!
Evil, vile, lying woman. I can ONLY imagine what lies in store for her when she meets Almighty God. And all in cohoots with that evil and vile man. I think that our faith in God ( not the false god allah ) is about to be tested soon.
Queen Hillary just wants to hear good things about the great Democrats and liberals of our country. It’s people like Trump that try to spin things. I mean just because our great Democratic party and liberals steal a little federal money, or skim off money through graft, doesn’t mean they deserve to be called crooks. That’s very harsh and meant to portray them in a negative light. So what if the FBI, DOJ, NSA and IRS are protecting our great Queen and keeping her from prosecution. She has a right to be above the law ! She’s a white , rich, elite woman of grace and beauty and deserves to be treated differently than common people. You don’t treat royalty the same as you treat some common person , like a black man or white man. She deserves to have money and do what she wants. So, stop the hating , haters !
Someone needs to let her know, just because she wears the suits of a dictator doesn’t mean she can be one.
I can’t follow you anymore. From irresponsible hunting ideas (key broadheads) to posting conspiracy and propoganda.
She is an insane woman !!!!! belong in Jail for treason!
She hates the truth. Liberal.
Ladies and Gentlemen this is what most other mass murderers look like