Hillary Clinton was once thought of as the left’s moderate candidate. Her husband Bill led the country without incident despite a Republican-led congress, and many expected Hillary Clinton would do the same.
Now, Hillary is angling herself as a hardline progressive. Maybe Bernie Sanders pushed her to the left, or maybe it’s her true colors finally coming out. Either way, it’s bound to put America on a destructive path. Now that she’s being more specific with her leftist agenda, we know exactly how Hillary’s method of destruction will play out.
The former secretary of state recently outlined her goal to resettle Syrian refugees in the mainland United States. Thanks to data from the Department of Homeland Security and the numbers outlined by the Clinton campaign, we now have a more clear look at exactly how many refugees Clinton may be willing to accept.
It’s close to a million.
See how those numbers were evaluated in the report on the next page:
Lock n load
Stick your head back in the sand and stay ignorant if you want to… American Patriots are awake and we are fighting for our country. we are not going to let our country be like Germany , Sweden, France, Canada, and others… open your eyes man .
Trump / Pence All The Way 100%
This$#%&!@*was a nut in high school, with her own agenda for enriching herself rather than anything at all on the lines of We the People. Her home town is quite divided about her but keeps up appearances for her and her money. Trump wanted to know where her money came from, after pointing out she had never made or sold anything or built a company to do so. She is a career politician who made 200 Mill on the backs of the public and maybe her own in some cases. She doesn’t care about Muslim refugees, they are in registered democrats and her future domestic staff.
No. Never Hillaery.
first let me say satan is in hillary`s heart and brain so in her heart hillary clinton she loves satan because she don`t believe in god she thinks she can get her self a train load of money and take it heaven with her. there is a reason i say that because has never wanted to anything good for the our country hillary just wants to tax us to death and wast the money that tax payers work for thats how satan works
Are you okay with this america
I hope this old worn out lying$#%&!@*doesn’t live to see 2017.
Nothing she does will surprise me!
She is crazy
we have one of the most thorough vetting processes in the World when it comes to Muslims coming from the middle east which falls to DHS and Customs and Immigration. it doesn’t fall on the President, who ever that is. to say theirs no way to know who’s coming in is both untrue and bs. Europe was over run by them without vetting. have you ever flown abroad. Our Country has a very hard system in place that even makes it hard for you or I to fly abroad especially when trying to come home. do some get in, absolutely but it’s about all people not just Muslims. how many terrorists attacks have happened here compared to Europe. that’s right, very few meanwhile It’s happening all over Europe. we won’t allow people just to walk into our country without serious vetting. if you think that immigrates coming to America then you don’t know our history. this country was built on immigration. from people searching for a better life, escaping war and dictatorships. searching for Freedom and the Freeist nation in the World. how about the same thinking for Domestic Terrorists. I’m mean really they are a much bigger problem than an immigrant looking for a better life. if you don’t understand what this country represents may I suggest reading the plack on the Statue of Liberty. pretty much states our founding fathers thinking on the matter which is kinda funny because most of their families got here by way of immigration. and please look up the definition of Patriots. a Patriot is a person who stands for the Constitution and the Founding Fathers idea of America. not some Trumped up alt-right version. the South will Not rise again. just so you know, I’m a United States Military Veteran who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution as written not as interpretated by some militia. keep the hate where it belongs, some third world country,Not America.