Hillary Clinton was once thought of as the left’s moderate candidate. Her husband Bill led the country without incident despite a Republican-led congress, and many expected Hillary Clinton would do the same.
Now, Hillary is angling herself as a hardline progressive. Maybe Bernie Sanders pushed her to the left, or maybe it’s her true colors finally coming out. Either way, it’s bound to put America on a destructive path. Now that she’s being more specific with her leftist agenda, we know exactly how Hillary’s method of destruction will play out.
The former secretary of state recently outlined her goal to resettle Syrian refugees in the mainland United States. Thanks to data from the Department of Homeland Security and the numbers outlined by the Clinton campaign, we now have a more clear look at exactly how many refugees Clinton may be willing to accept.
It’s close to a million.
See how those numbers were evaluated in the report on the next page:
Wow. Instead of importing muslims who hate us just deport obama and Hillary to the middle east. It would be a hell of a lot cheaper to get rid of two than pay for a million + freeloaders.
She gave up Christianity for Islam.
We don’t need it
A definitely fool
Its best to keep my mouth shut and do things on my own to take care of things. I strongly recommend everyone else do likewise.
This Muslim monster must be stopped!!!!
Hillary, Please die
Why would anyone American want this
The woman is brain damaged and will do many things that are illogical. She should never be elected as POTUS. She will finish the destruction of the USA that Obozo has started.
What a stupid $#%&!@*tards.