Reminiscent of the statement that “slaves don’t have constitutional rights”, Hillary Clinton told Chuck Todd that unborn children don’t have constitutional rights. Yes, she IS that repulsive. According to Hillary, the law is what is most important here. Females who have survived not being potentially aborted and were allowed to be born, (which includes Heinous Hillary), do have constitutional rights, but only because they made it out of the womb.
Hillary is a walking contradiction, even within this interview where the unborn is not human and therefore not deserving of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, she flips by saying, “Now that doesn’t mean that we don’t do everything we possibly can in the vast majority of instances to you know help a mother who is carrying a child.”
So, in order to give this non-person, without rights, Constitutional rights in the future, she says one must give appropriate medical support if the mother wants it. So kill the baby or not kill the baby…all is fair in Hillary’s morally bankrupt mind.
View the interview on the next page.
I do believe I’ve heard of cases where a person was charged for 2 lives when killing a pregnant woman.
That baby is concider a life after a few weeks
We need to take your rights away from you moron.
Well said Lavon, you have to be a sick Democrat to approve the murder of unborn babies.
Plain & simple. This trashy lady is pure evil. She even dresses like Dr Evil
She’s an animal, what a scum bag!’
A person that doesn’t care the least about the defenseless, unborn innocent child WILL not care about you and me all because the women has the right to do with her body what she wants, well how about use your brain and if you don’t want to have a baby keep your legs closed, use birth contraceptives, you have choices the unborn CHILD doesn’t, but yet it is illegal to kill a bird (the eagle), what the heck is wrong with that picture a bird has more rights than an unborn child? This society is all messed up. She is a disgrace, hope she ends up in jail it will be the 2nd best day,1st one is the day Obama is out!!!
This$#%&!@*is pure evil.
That is such a bunch of c**p ,any one has rights and protection under our constitution.Look at this way if I were 1 year old would I have rights, the answer would be yes. If I were 100 years old would I have constitutional rights the answer is yes . What in hell takes the rights away from a unborn child ,that can’t look you in the eyes.
Does she have the same policy for the undocumented immigrants who come here to have a child that has yet to be born? I doubt it, she probably wants to give them welfare and prenatal care for free.