Hillary Take Her Campaign To The Next Level With Glozell Interview

In the video below, Glozell Green fills a bathtub with milk and Fruit Loops and attempts to remove them all with her mouth. This is just one of many of the ridiculous things you can see her doing on her YouTube channel.

GloZell Green is a YouTube sensation and a big Obama fan who sometimes wears green lipstick and starts each of her 2 to 7 minute videos with, “Hello this is GloZell! Is you ok? Is you? Good, cause I wanted to know!”

This is why America is decaying. If liberal politicians are resorting to interviews with illiterate YouTube stars to boost their polls, the American voter base is truly a hopeless bunch. Anybody who would vote for Hillary after all of the lies and scandal her career has been filled with clearly doesn’t have a soul.

Source: independentsentinel.com



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