It would seem the people of Columbus, OH. have made their opinion known on presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. During a campaign stop she made on Thursday, less than half of the hall booked for the event was full.
This campaign stop was meant for her to speak about women’s rights, which she did, just not to as many people as she thought.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
Hillary’s Political career is over, and I think she is
fully aware of this fact.
Terry Sr.
That is totally illegal!
The ghost of huma.
Go Ohio, proud of you. Used to love in Fremont,Ohio, been in AZ 30 years
but I just read a poll that says she has 49% with her! Yeah too many BS polls. We are being railroaded!!
let strike her Band and play her Funeral Dirge …..
Less than 40 people showed up to hear John McCain and Lindsay Graham at the ELK’s Lodge in Gilford, NH. It was a beautiful uppper 70’s day and most well heeled Republicans were at or watching at home a football game or out on THE Lake enjoying the mid-Summer like Saturday afternoon. Some hiked the surrounding peaks of Mt Major and Bald Knob etc. Carley should do better on a rainy morning in Alton NH, but will “they” be serving “REAL” Maple Syrup at her BREAKFAST show? Rick Perry..Alas we remember him well. Which Republicans are NOT promising a Gulf War III ? It is a pretty good bet they will not be the nominee.
She’s done! She’s responsible, along with Obama, for the death of the US Amb$#%&!@*ador in Benghazi and, 3 brave Marines.
nobody wants to hear what she has to say one wants to hear your lies.and c**p.Prison for you I hope.